Sunday, March 11, 2007

Proof versus Faith

Recently (although not really since this was first announced in the 70s) the Discovery Channel aired an "expose" which claimed to abnegate the claims of the biblical account of the resurrection of Christ, or if nothing else, his ascension through the clouds into Heaven. I think, with reasonable assurance that these claims are completely fallacious, and do not stand up to scientific scrutiny, and perhaps obviously so.

But this has gotten me to think about a few items that I thought I would share with you all for your contemplation:

If it were found to be true, would your faith be altered?

Secondly, I have observed that when scientific items come into question that throw doubt at common held Christian tenets , vis-a-ve the flood narrative, we dismiss their findings as stupidity--just another attempt by a leftist media and society to debunk the bible. Although these same principles of science we use to justify our views of the bible(as with the current Discovery Channel program)?

Can these two processes co-exist then? Science used to satisfy our world view, science ignored for items which do not?

Lastly, just for fun, check out this link:

click here
seely fixed scott's link all you have to do it click on it

This video, so it is said, is scientific proof of a fallen angel.


Paul Ellis said...

Nice blair witch re-make.

I think that we're are always going to have doubters/skeptics. People who throw out the questions "Is there a way to disprove religion?"

Tough question. Religion is based on the premise of faith. What do you believe? This is a personal choice.

Do you believe that Jesus was raised from the dead? Do you believe that He is the Son of God, that He is Trinity, three in One.

Do you believe that some really smart guy and some TV producer from the Discovery Channel has the answers to the Bible?

It all comes back to what do you believe? And you get to make that choice.

scttcsnv said...

I think you are missing the point though:

IF Christ's resurrection is false, does your faith change. I don't mean Cameron Crow makes a movie about it, I mean it is truly false. Does that then change your faith?

Secondly, we use facts to support the validity of our textual representation of God, the bible. Without the ability to verify the historicity of the events, and text, we may not of had this document hold the test of time for so long.

If though we use science to validate this book, why do we not accept equally valid scientific scrutiny that throws events into question?

Paul Ellis said...

As I understand the arguement, it still comes back to what do you believe?

I have to contest that you either believe that Christ rose from the grave or you don't.

While I wasn't there when the stone was rolled away, and I wasn't there when Jesus reappeared to the people that he did, I am here now, and I get to make a choice as to what I believe today. I can either choose to believe that it did in fact happen as it was written in the Bible or deny the Bible and belive that it didn't.

Personally, I happen to believe the Bible to be truth, and thus I believe that Jesus died, and rose again.

As far as scientific scrutiny, there is much that has yet to be explained. Can you scientificly explain the beginning of time? There are theory's, but no evidence other than God spoke, and it was so. And everything says that it was amazing. And then God spoke again, and it was unbelievable.

Science will never be able to explain how Jesus turned Water into Wine, how he walked on Water, or how the Walls of Jericho crumbled because God told Joshua to walk around the city, and the people yelled. Or how Isaiah called down fire from the sky. There are countless other stories that are all unexplainable events according to science. Do you believe that they happened, or that the bible is just another bedtime story written for our amusement.

I guess that I mean to say that to question the credibility/validity of the bible is to question your faith. If you believe that Christ was not raised from the dead, you then cannot accept that the Bible is written on truth. Thus, you wouldn't be able to accept what did happen.

Justin Souza said...

Video is more like scientific spook!!! Scared the crap out of me!!!!!!! Geez. I also think it's scientific spoof.