Friday, February 16, 2007

But Without Evil Intent.

Jamie, I relate with you about this issue. What you speak of has wrecked relationships between certain people at my work and has had some sad consequences. I have not been directly involved and continue to keep myself out of the mess, yet sometime I feel like I'm not doing something that I should because I know this is happening. This is especially true if I get an earful from somebody and listen when I should be telling them they don't need to share it with me. It's just as bad listening to it as it is spreading it. I think the problem stems from our intentions when we talk about someone. In the case with Justin, I don't think anyone had evil intentions by these comments. However, sometimes, ambiguous, unknown, or even good intentions could have a negetive outcome when shared at the wrong time, or in the wrong context???

1 comment:

Jamie Lofgren said...

This is correct, Justin has that to hang over his head for a long time or until we forget about it. :) Because we all have our moments of blunder. Me at the Open Mic night is very memorable, John getting burned by Jay Bolton in penny loafers, you and the broken collarbone. I think its evidence to show that we truely are a close group of people.